Internal Revenue Service

In the Internal Revenue Service and going on Temporary Duty?

freshness. Don't sleep one someone else's gross used mattress....

Yes, it's genius. This is NOT "rent-to-own" or "option to buy." It's liquidation.

– Extended Temporary Duty (ETDY)
– Emergency Medivac (New Parent Program)
– Short-Term TDY
Fill out the contact form and we’ll send you an information packet.
You at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) perform a pivotal role in the economic machinery of our nation. Quite often, you’re called upon for a Temporary Duty Assignment (TDY). When that occurs, you could benefit from assistance to manage both your crucial work and family responsibilities. That’s exactly where we at TDY Rentals fit in. Our team is composed of individuals who have served our nation, and collectively, we’ve experienced countless TDY assignments for a multitude of reasons, across a broad range of locations. We fully comprehend the challenges you might confront. That’s why we’ve devised a system specifically designed to assist IRS professionals in overcoming TDY challenges. By harnessing advanced technology and innovation, we aim to provide the best for the IRS, so you can keep our nation’s financial heart healthy.
TDY Rentals is a trusted provider of an innovative furniture rental service for government employees on TDY, specifically those placed in unfurnished or partially furnished accommodations. Our distinct edge over competitors like CORT, Ashley’s, and Rent-a-Center arises from our deep understanding of your needs and our commitment to satisfying them.
With TDY Rentals, you can be assured of a comfortable TDY experience, allowing you to concentrate on your significant work of revenue service. Even when you’re away from home, we ensure that your accommodation feels like a home away from home, so you can carry out your indispensable mission seamlessly.